Learn git concepts, not commands

An interactive git tutorial meant to teach you how git works, not just which commands to execute.


In the picture below you see four boxes. One of them stands alone, while the other three are grouped together in what I'll call your Development Environment.

We'll start with the one that's on it's own though. The Remote Repository is where you send your changes when you want to share them with other people, and where you get their changes from. If you've used other version control systems there's nothing interesting about that.

The Development Environment is what you have on your local machine. The three parts of it are your Working Directory, the Staging Area and the Local Repository. We'll learn more about those as we start using git.

Choose a place in which you want to put your Development Environment. Just go to your home folder, or where ever you like to put your projects. You don't need to create a new folder for your Dev Environment though.

Getting a Remote Repository

Now we want to grab a Remote Repository and put what's in it onto your machine.

Now that you have a copy of my Remote Repository of your own, it's time to get that onto your machine.

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Jairo Castro

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User-1249945059 18 February 2020 05:16

Thank you for taking the time to write such an elaborate advice!?